Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about our products or services? We have listed the most frequently asked questions here and hope that you will find an answer to your query. If you still have questions, please write to us. We look forward to helping you.

Frequently asked questions about our ice cream

Ingredients and production processes are aimed at achieving the best possible taste and consistency. We are motivated to constantly refine all ice cream varieties to meet the highest demands of our customers in the ice cream parlor sector. Passion, know-how, selection of ingredients and the necessary technology make our ice cream unique.

Each type of ice cream deserves its own best flavoring ingredient. A simple example: for banana ice cream, we peel and puree ripe bananas. The Mango puree comes from India and the cocoa for the chocolate ice cream from the Ivory Coast. We select all our ingredients according to the principle of "quality first!" and still pay attention to sustainable packaging and the shortest possible transportation routes. That's why the whole milk also comes from local pastureland farms in our region.

Yes, fresh whole milk is the main ingredient in many of our ice cream varieties. It is delivered to us daily in tankers from the Ammerland dairy. More than 3 million litre pasture milk goes into our specialties every year.

We have described the important information such as ingredients, nutritional values and allergens in detail for each ice cream item on our website.

We guarantee a minimum shelf life of 24 months after production. We produce every type of ice cream fresh several times a year and therefore do not have any ice cream varieties that are overstocked. When our ice cream comes from the freezer into the ice cream display case, good practice determines how often this process can be repeated without any problems.

Frequently asked questions about delivery and transportation

All ice cream products are stored in a large deep-freeze warehouse in Oyten near Bremen. We forward your orders there via IT systems and the competent and experienced employees compile your orders the following day. Immediately afterwards, they are loaded for onward transportation to your region. This is followed by onward transportation to you, again in compliance with the cold chain.

What options are there? A big advantage for you is our personal advice. You can simply order by phone and check seasonal offers or ask our friendly staff for further tips and information. If you are already sufficiently informed, simply use our ordering options by e-mail or WhatsApp to be in direct contact with our team.

Depending on the distance to our warehouse near Bremen, deliveries can take 2-4 working days.

Frequently asked questions about our gastro-service

If you set the display case to the maximum minus temperature after closing time, this is theoretically possible. However, we strongly recommend leaving the ice cream display case out to defrost it. This gives you the opportunity to clean the inside of the ice cream display case. Smooth the ice, carefully remove any dirt from the edges of the trays and place the trays with lids in the storage cabinet. The best ice cream deserves to be handled well and cleanly.

Thanks to our excellent network, we have a wide range of contacts for all areas of the catering industry. We are happy to arrange these contacts and help you with them. However, our core business is exclusively the production of ice cream and the distribution of Bruno's Gelato.

Frequently asked questions about our company

Bruno Lucchetta is the founder and managing director of from Bruno Gelato in Rhauderfehn. Bruno is Italian from the province of Venice, a lover of good food and a real family man. He enjoys traveling with his wife Heidi and is a lover of other cultures.

As Bruno is very open to other cultures in his mind, there was nothing to stop him from setting up a production site for Italian ice cream in East Frisia. Ice cream in East Frisia. In the town of Rhauderfehn there is also the ice cream parlor/restaurant "Bei Bruno", where a selection of over 70 ice cream flavors in the ice cream display case delights guests.